Project UNIFHY

Member States of the European Union and their regions are taking different steps towards climate neutrality, some setting more ambitious targets and deadlines, while others are lagging behind in meeting their interim targets.

The project “UNIFHY – Unifying policies to support the uptake of green hydrogen to decarbonize Europe” “UNIFHY- Unifying policies to support the uptake of green hydrogen to decarbonize Europe” ( aims to analyse policies, provide information to policy makers and share good practices in six collaborating regions, i.e. Aalborg (Denmark), South Sweden Region (Sweden), Moravian-Silesian Region (Czech Republic), Lubelskie Region (Poland), South East Region of Ireland ( Ireland), Extremadura (Spain).


The total project budget is EUR 1 395 028.

The project implementation period is 1 April 2024–30 June 2028.


The Moravian-Silesian Hydrogen Cluster, z. s. is a “partner” of the project with the Moravian-Silesian Region and in the project holds the position of an expert guarantor, actively supporting the development of the unique ecosystem of the “hydrogen valley” of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The task of the Cluster is to professionally manage and coordinate the entire process of preparation and implementation of the selected policy instrument of the MSK – i.e. primarily the Hydrogen Technology Development Strategy”.

The implementation of the project is also expected to involve stakeholders, especially members of the MSVK, in the form of sharing good practice of professional know-how at the European level.

Registration number 02C0503 is co-financed by the Interreg EUROPE Programme, Axis 2 – Greener Europe, Specific Objective – Renewable Energy.